You have been working really hard, but somehow your bank statement is still showing you in the red; despite working every hour God sends, you’re still not able to save up enough for that long-overdue holiday, or those much-needed home improvements. Granted it’s a long shot, but ancient and sacred bodies of knowledge believe that plants have the power to bestow wealth and positive energy upon a household and one of the most popular choices is…. the Money plant. It is widely believed that by having a Money plant in your home, you will be the recipient of good luck, happiness, positive energy and financial prosperity.
A Money plant is one of the easiest house plants to grow and nurture – these independent little growers can survive for a decent length of time with very little assistance from us!
How to care for a Money plant
Money plants demand very little attention and maintenance making them a popular choice for homeowners who want a house plant which will practically take care of itself and with a bit of luck, bring some fortune your way! They can grow in either direct or indirect sunlight, however, if you decide to let yours live on a windowsill, bear in mind that too much direct sunlight can discolour and singe the leaves, turning them yellow. A Money plant is best suited to exposure of medium to bright indirect sunlight; too little sunlight and growth will be delayed. In terms of temperature, you should avoid putting your Money plant anywhere it will get too cold – they require a fairly warm temperature – ideally between 15 ̊C and 30 ̊C. If the temperature drops below 10 ̊C, the leaves are likely to turn yellow and develop spots.
A Money plant is relatively low maintenance, providing it has access to sunlight and is watered regularly; both of which need to be provided in moderation. Over-watering can cause roots to rot. Too much exposure to sunlight causes the leaves to burn and turn yellow.
A Money plant should be able to grow and thrive without the use of any additional fertilizers, however, if you think your Money plant is in need of a boost, you can occasionally give it a liquid nitrate-based feed. If you like to keep things natural, Money trees have been known to respond well to homemade fertilizers – a commonly used one consisting of drained tea leaves, ground coffee and powdered eggshells, which should be mixed and added to the soil.
A step-by-step guide to growing your own Money plant
1) Choose a healthy branch, around 30cm in length, which you plan on taking a cutting from.
2) Cut the branch below a node: that is the point from where leaves emerge.
3) Remove the lower leaves and place the cutting in a small container e.g. an old sauce jar or plastic bottle.
4) Keep at least one node below the water surface as this promotes root growth.
5) Place the container somewhere warm, with access to sunlight.
6) Choose a medium-sized pot with holes in the bottom to allow sufficient drainage.
7) Fill the pot with decent quality soil.
8) With your finger, make a hole in the soil and insert the node of the cutting. Fill and cover the hole with soil.
9) Put a stick in the soil, to allow your Money plant to climb.
Tips for successful growth:
- Be patient – it can take several weeks for new roots to emerge from the node(s) whilst the cutting is in water.
- Change the water weekly.
- Regularly add water to maintain the level.
- No fertilizer is necessary, but if you’re impatient and want quicker growth, you can add some nitrate-based fertilizer to the water!
- Once your baby money plant is in a soil pot, water it every 8-10 days; allow the soil to dry out between watering and take care not to over-water.
Pruning your Money plant
As with all trees and plants, pruning is important as it establishes the basic structure of the plant, making it easier to maintain, and removes dead, diseased or damaged shoots and leaves to enable new ones to come through, shaping the plant for optimum growth. You should prune your Money plant annually, removing dry or yellow leaves and branches, to direct the plant’s energy to the healthy branches. You should also cut the tips of the growing branches to encourage new growth and denser foliage.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of plant is a Money plant?
The Money plant belongs to the Araceae botanical family and is native to South East Asia and New Guinea. It is a perennial plant, which means it will flower yearly, usually increasing in size each time. Over winter, the stems will die back but the roots remain active and so, come the warmer months, your Money plant will regenerate.
How did the Money plant get its name?
It is said that the Money plant was given its name because of the shape of its leaves, which are believed to resemble coins.
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